Tuesday, April 8, 2008


“Life is a matter of to do or not to do. Don’t let your mistakes be a regret but a lesson to ponder. A happy life deals with a choice… so chose to be happy coz you deserve to be one.”

A text coming from a friend named MARK. On the first sentence it stated, “Life is a matter of to do or not to do”

Yes, indeed. The problem of making choices makes an individual suffers. Suffer in the sense of which should be the better option, this way or that way.

“Don’t let your mistakes be a regret but a lesson to ponder.”

There are instances that no matter how you think it twice you’d still picked the wrong way. It is somehow unfair right? You have the hard time of thinking what would be the best but still it was never result into what we expected. As they say, no choices are having any consequences attached to it. You have to accept and move on. Always perceive it as a lesson learned.

“ A happy life deals with a choice… so chose to be happy coz you deserve to be one.”

Huh! No one wants to be sad; they always wished that they would be happy always. Happy on their career, love life, family, friends, wealth, etc. So choose what you think that makes you happy. Always remember, don’t worry that you might choose the wrong way, if that would make you happy go for it.

Even if it cause you much trouble, gives you so much pain, sacrifice your love or the one you love or even if it takes your life.

That makes no sense to anyone but it makes sense to you!

Sunday, March 9, 2008


Rats have been given a bad rap in Western Culture, judging from pejorative terms like "He's a Rat Fink!", or "I don't give a Rat's Ass what you think!"

I just read elsewhere that in China, the rat is a respected intuitive creature, synonymous with courage and an enterprising character. Rats know how to come up with solutions, take care of themselves and others without problems.

Besides being curious and intelligent with a vivid imagination, rats are very lively and need oodles of attention (mental and physical stimulation). (hehehe! I somehow possess it all)

To sum it up, the positive side of the rat personality includes being easy-going (checked), smart (checked), magnetic(checked), quick witted(checked) and well-liked(checked)! On the flip side, rats have also been known to be a tad cool (maybe), calculating (hahaha! my bf knows it!), selfish (no, I disagree!), and protective when they're not in top form (yah, often!).

What motivates Rats? You guessed it -- money and status (I always craved for it). Occupations particularly suitable for people born in the "Year of the Rat" include: spy(im good at it!), psychiatrist(hmmm...), writer(isn't it obvious?), politician(others asked me to be one, but id ont like), laywer(it's my dream to be a lawyer!), engineer(I hate math!), accountant(somehow I thought to be one), detective(i think am good at it!), actor(yah! I agree!) and pathologist(why not?).

"Earth Rats" (those born in 1948 and 2008), are said to be very honorable folk who love to do things around the home and enjoy a stable life. Although a titch stingy with their moolah, they are cheerful with friends although are prone to stress.

How bout you? Are you proud to be Ratatuienians? (hope I spell it right!)

Saturday, March 1, 2008


Hi Guys! It’s past 12 in the morning but still my mind keep thinking of something that I, myself couldn’t figure of. Maybe because I am still in the middle of relating myself to the movie I just saw “ MY BIG LOVE”.

Others may find it corny to watch a Tagalog movie especially that concerns to a love story. Yes, it somehow wrack my nerves with those corny lines and gestures but it made me smile and starting to fantasize what would be the feeling if you’re on the same situation. (Hhhaaaa!)

You know why I always spent money with corny Tagalog movies? Even it throws mostly of corny lines and gestures, it gives me an appreciation, which I sometimes (or always) be short of.

In “MY BIG LOVE”, it made me realize, that it needs also for me to think so much for myself (there’s nothing wrong with that!) not what others should think of me. To love myself even at my worst (in figure! inferiority!), to confer a huge love for others who has the same struggles with me and inspire them to feel good and inform them that there’s no room of worrying anything. Everything has a HOPE!

“ Who doesn’t believe in Karma anyway?” Nobody does. Karma goes around, comes around in certain situations, no one knows when it strikes. Try to think before you act, you can control the situation because you’re the one who makes the decision. That’s one thing I’ve learned in the movie.

Lastly, “ Don’t just love a person by looking at it’s corporeal, but by gazing of how much beauty he has behind the skin-deep.” Don’t just hub your standards on physical assets in loving a person, I tell you; it gives only gladness for a while but not a total happiness. It will feed only your desires but it will not supply contentment. It only gives vitamins to the eyes but not a food that gives life to the heart.

Charmos! Until next ish!

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Message v.2

"Its not wrong to still love someone you loved before but if the love you felt, bring tears to someone else, be fair coz you might never know that the one you hurt is the one who could love you even more!"
What if you found the happiness and the satisfaction you were longing for to someone you used to loved not to someone whom could loved you even more?
Is there a need to give up your own happiness just to be fair with someone?
What if the one you thought you can find happiness will not reciprocate the love you gave? Will you still be happy?
Where the hell we could find HAPPINESS? Is it to the one we loved but he could not give the love we expect or to someone who strolngly loved us but we couldn't felt his presence in to our hearts.
Hmmm.... need much ponder?
My piece of advice: Be close with someone who makes you happy! That is just to satisfy your heart desires. If he can't give the love you expect or he just see you as his one of the girls, then it's time for you to move on (especially when it hurts already!). As they say, " MARAMI PANG IBA".
Why focus to one if there is someone who can't be happy without you? Slowly I know, you will feel the same way. It's the matter of giving chances...
Just feel the difference!

Saturday, February 16, 2008


A message from GOD:

No man can ever claim YOU unless HE claims YOU from ME.

I reserved a MAN for YOU who has MY heart and loves ME even more than He loves YOU.

I wont give YOU unless HE asks YOU from ME.

Soon you’ll know HIM, I have the perfect time.

YOU are my princess, my daughter.

Let no prince claim YOU unless HE asks YOU from my hand.

For, I am your Father, the King of all kings.

And YOU are my Princess, which is worth loving.

A nice message sent to me from my dear friend, Ranielyn Orang who now lives at her hometown at General Santos City. (Thanks Ran…)

Well, the message is for those girls who are still waiting for the right one to come along. Well girl, don’t mourned yet if you think that no one courted you or until now your one of those NBSB (no bf since birth!) heehaw, because there will be someone (maybe his just hiding on the wrong place! hehehe) who is worth the wait.

Just think of it, maybe God is trying to keep himself busy these days to finished another beautiful script that will stunned the world for another beautiful love story ever told. Know who will be played actors and actresses.

It will possibly be YOU and your PRINCE.

Wow!!! Can I play as the other beautiful Princess?

A POST Valentines Saturday

I was tired, mind empty…I don’t know what would I do next. I’m having my class but it seems I was in the middle of nowhere. I just felt Laziness comes over me today but I don’t want my students noticed how their teacher faces a bad day! What a CLUMSY SATURDAY (I’m not in love, like Fergie song wanted to convey) hehehehe. Not all the time that we were CLUMSY, it because were falling in love… Not with me… not now! Maybe I didn’t have enough sleep!

Am I sound Broken hearted? (No! I’m not!) It seems that our Heart Cupid hit me with his black arrow… My bf and I didn’t broke up; we were just facing something we both misunderstood.

Hmmmp…. But that was not I thought today… I have so many things played on my mind: like how unlucky I am, how lucky I was and would you imagine, sometimes I ask myself, who really am? (Stupid me!) hehehehe, ( I know!)

Sorry, maybe due of too much thinking! Hahhahaha. Ohhh! There were moments that I watched the kids from Bahay Pasilungan because Maam Arlene invited them to be with our students (as part of their NSTP sub). When I saw their faces it seemed that they were satisfied of the life they have, thinking they were abandoned by their own parents. But, I thought maybe because they were still young and they just care less… that they were ABANDONED. (Owwww!)

Looking on the other side I saw two Americans, seems so happy to see their children smiling, playing with our students. They also participated; they chased their children here and there. What a nice moment to reflect on to. By looking on these two Americans, they spent their life here in the Philippines, for them to extend warmed hands to these Filipino children. (buti pa sila, they have hearts for these FILIPINO children but some of us Filipino, doesn’t care for them). I put the word SOME (huh!)…

Well, the bottom line there is Happiness, for the Filipino children and for their mentors. What a lovely moments, if you just see them. You can’t put into words how contented they were. I know that they also faced problems but the children still feel the God’s presence from the undying love of their two mentors (the Good Americans!). I just hope and I pray that they will continue to love the children who need love and attention.

When I got back to the laboratory, I reflect on to my students, how lucky they were that they are wealthy not only financially but a warmth and support from their families. They can have their wants and for some can have some luxuries. Hoping that these students will also learned to give not only of what they have but also for what they could do to others especially for the less fortunate.

What a reflection…. Me? I’m always thanking God for all the blessings that I received from him…

What I got on Valentines Season… (The Answer!)

Break Up! Do I need to convey what had happened? Do these two words are not enough to express the present I receive during the heart season? (Oops! Correction, a pre-gift!)

“Leaving someone is anyone’s right, but the least thing you can do is tell them why? Because what’s even worse, what’s even more painful than being abandoned, is knowing that you’re not even worth an explanation.”

Yah right! Everybody needs an explanation; you have to express how much you felt inside and put into words all the emotions, but what if you don’t want to see that person on that moment? Do I need to suffer on his presence in order for him to know why? (Heller?)

“I can't talk to you anymore, it's not that I am mad at you, it's just that when I talk to you I realize how much I love you and when I realize how much I love you, I realize I can't have you and that makes me love you even more.”

Damn! I was hit by the message! Do I still love him? Nope, my mind disagrees with my heart’s felt. My heart easily melts when I see him in person, pleading me to come back to him. Is it because I’d still have a heart for him or is it just I pitied him? Don’t know…

This message should be posted last Monday. I don’t know why I didn’t post it… Hmmmm… Maybe because I am waiting for something good to happened? (Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Bakit baligtad magbasa ng libro ang Pilipino?

I was worn out last week coming from the last (last) week examination and it was then followed by “Kamalayan” celebration, since students are busy preparing their piece on the different contest, we have been blessed for having no class to attend to. Being pre-occupied, tired of doing some paperwork’s (like checking papers, checking the docu’s, prepared lessons and sort of those stuff!), my taste wanted to do something that I missed to have--- a long hobby that I wanted to recoup --- Reading Books.

Thanks to Maam Faiz’ friend, I could have something to wrapped my tattered feelings on that particular day! First, that caught my attention is Bob Ong’s A B N K K B S N P L Ako (the title was written in a text-like format which means “Aba nakakabasa na pala ako!"). It really sounds babyish and at its first glance it may not be ideally smart to read but the title still engages me to have at least a hand on, that’s why I just told Maam Fai to reserve the book for me! When I came back (coz, I need to be on the AVR to be one of the critics on the Firing Squad Contest), the book was being borrowed by Menrige (our dear student), that’s why Maam Fai recommended me the sequel of “Aba” which is the book entitled “Bakit baligtad magbasa ng libro ang Pilipino?”.

Nice title, isn't it? That’s why without thinking twice I grabbed the book and started to read between the lines. First chapter palang, I was committed a mistake. It say’s there “Huwag basahin ang nakasulat” (means don’t read anything that was written) but I can’t help it but to read, it was a nice experience of Bob Ong when his foreign employer gave comments why Filipinos are not progressive. The book doesn’t portray of how bad the Filipinos are? Or why being a Filipino should not be proud of? It is just an eye-opener message from a concerned Filipino, who wants to give illumination for his countrymen to shape up and help rebuild again our dying nation.

As one of the future builders, I believe that it is in our hands that we can build a progressive nation. Only we, Filipinos can do this and establish the Philippines into a better land, not anyone else. Be proud to be Filipino because if only Mother Nation could speak, she would surely say “Even if you neglected, betrayed and forsaken me. I’m still proud that you were my people. Hoping that you will be proud of me as your motherland and as a Filipino” (*tears fall*)

I, one of the tiniest voices around, still encourage everyone to act, love and proud to be a Filipino. After all, whatever happens to you, you will find your way home to your mother country. (I’m sure!)

Read the book of Bob Ong's "Bakit Baligtad magbasa ng libro ang Pilipino?", you will inspire and won’t surely miss one page without reading it! (Goodnyt!)

Friday, February 8, 2008

What's in Store For me This Valentines Season?

What was the first thing you thought when you swiftly gaze at your calendar and feels-like-a bit- surprised that it was already reached the month of FEBRUARY? Hmmmp… (*Snappi’n wid yah fingah?*) Nah! I know you already guessed what I’m thinking, right? It was the LOVE MONTH… So I am surely you thought for the VALENTINE’s seasonhehehhe!

The first question that probably your friends would ask “Do you already have a VALENTINO?” Some will bashfully excited of saying that she already had one. Unfortunately, for those who haven’t found their man or they just came from a freshly break up (awful! Bat di pa pinalagpas ang Valentines day!) , they will definitely say “NO! I’ll be wearing my color “Red” blouse again this valentine’s season” (*sad face*).

I’m a little bit of culpable that I might be part of those girls that will be wearing a Red blouse this V season (*sad face*)not because I don't have a boyfriend but i'ts just I am lonely every VDAY, but I was used to it! It’s been 8 long years that I haven’t experienced how romantic it is to celebrate the season with your special someone. Being surprised with flowers and chocolates or your boyfriend will endeavor to prepare something heart- trampled dinner just for you---- only for you! (*SIGH*) Is it just only for me to fantasize? How sad the feelings that even a single rose or even a simple effort note, I happened not to receive any. That’s why I considered myself one of the unfortunate girls that was been neglected to hit by cupid’s arrow. (*almost in tears*)

Hmmm… I don’t know how to celebrate my V Season again but surely I’ll spend it either with my friends or with my family. Though, Valentines doesn’t mean you have to spend it with your special someone (pampalubag-loob!), there’s nothing unusual with the Feb. 14 (it’s still a date) like the same ordinary days we used to spend.

I’m still hoping that my current boyfriend will somehow take an effort of showing me how romantic he was (if he do really love and cares for me!) this V season! At least, I’ll be experiencing something nice and new from him especially we faced something- little -knotty with our relationship this past few days!

(*Sigh*) When would I say that I’ve experienced something exquisite on V Season? That would be still a question? Or I’ll be experience it this month? (Hehehe) Still write in question form… That will remain unanswered.

So, until next ish… (After Valentines day!?!) *GRIN* and *Eyes Rolling*

Saturday, February 2, 2008


“You’ve already built me a house. The best home for us, that was in our hearts"

"When you love someone, when you miss someone, your love is bound to be fulfilled. Sometimes love seems like hide-and-seek, but even if you can't see your loved one, your Heart calls out to him. That's why no one remains a seeker forever, because love will always finds a way. That’s how spring finds you even if you think you can't be found, because spring brings love, forgiveness and hope."

Two beautiful parting messages that were ever expressed in the phenomenal Korean vela hit the “Spring Waltz”. It’s always been a cliché that in every love story it ends with a happy ending. In this novel series, there is nothing unusual, two lovely individuals separated by an accident when they were young. The boy by faith meet a wealthy couple who just freshly mourning on their lost son who has an exact face like him (do we really have exactly the same face in this world?). The boy grabs the opportunity offered by the husband (so that his wife will stop looking for their dead son) in exchange of saving his girl’s life that’s been on the hospital due to heart failure. Everything has been settled after the negotiation but because the couple worries that the boy will leave them after the girl’s operation, they decided to tell a LIE, which gives twist to the story ---- the girl died on the operation, as they say.

Years passed, the boy lived with a new life, with a new named and with a new world. He is a renowned pianist all over Asia and lives right then in Austria, while the girl lives typically in Seoul, Korea. By faith, the girl won a free round trip ticket in Austria (well! For heaven’s sake) and their path crossed with a nerve-wracking moments! This episode is really worth raising an eyebrow (why? because it was somehow the drama of destiny).

Another chestnut is having an antagonist, she wanted to win the heart of the boy and marry him. In short, she will serve as the reason why the two can’t be together. I’ll actually like the way she acts, she’s fitted on the role. You must see how she will wreck the love story of the protagonists, but on the later part you will love her when she decided to give up his love to the guy and went back to Korea to find the girl and reveal to her how much the guy misses her.

Well, it’s obvious the girl went to Austria to find her man. Destiny plays cupid again in order for them to see each other and hold each other very tight… but this time, it will be FOREVER.

Way back to the two sweetest parting messages above, it entails how much LOVE can do miracles even the two people aren’t in the same places as long as they were destined to be together.

Wow, do I really writen those words? (Hehehe) Am I in love? Yes, I do. I really do.. I’m in love with the story! Just guys, watch it! A nice story with a good plot and a good-looking actors and actresses…

Always remember one thing; there will be no forever seeker in finding his or her partners, because Love will always be playing cupid with the help of DESTINY!

Thursday, January 31, 2008


What motivates me of leaving my previous job is not the difficulty of the job but the people around me (I don't want to named names!). Everybody knows that any kind of work affixed with hardships. How to deal with hardships? That would be your RESPONSIBILITIES.

Not to brag, I can deal with so much pressure as long as its part of my duties, but being pressured by peers, which makes me, worries. Yes, I was been strained by rumors, I was once questioned with my values and my name was been stained by FEW whom I taught professionals, a level-headed
(sayang, nirespeto ko pa naman sila!)

I’ve heartily whittled it for six months, promised myself that I will quit the job after the school year ends and then I did. After I got the position as one of the CI in one of the largest Computer School in the country, I realized that their still a tinge of resentment for those FEW from my previous workplace, maybe because I didn’t have the chance to clear my name and talk to the FEW who affronted me.

But then I realized why should I care? They were just FEW. Why should I think too much about them, of what they say? They’ve done enough. It’s time for me to heal the wounds of yesterday instead; I should be thankful for those FEW, that because of them I’ve found true friends, true professionals (saan?), on my current workplace.

My insight with regards to my experience is I am worrying too much, that was my true ENEMY. From the start of the situation, I am worried of what everyone says, I’m worried on every action I made that might give them something to feast about! That’s why, WORRY never contributes anything positive. It’s a circular thought pattern that only leads to more worry, and in the end it leaves you with a knot in your stomach and no plan action---- but on your easiest way out (
which you think would be the best thing to do!).

So Guys! When you hear the knock, knock, knock of worry at your door, don’t answer. Instead pray to GOD, he knows everything, he knows the truth. Ask for help. Trust GOD. He will lead you to good solution and stationed His peace like a guard outside your heart to keep WORRY off the premises.

Like HE did to me! Worry-Free! Hatred-free! So happy and contented!

So much loved,

Sweetsheng :>


WHAT A DREAM COME TRUE! (party!) It's been two years of wanting to start posting my write ups online... hehehe... (super saya!) I'm overwhelmed that I've been sitting in front of my unit and typing my ever first piece.... the FOREWORD! (parang libro!).

Well, I wanted to express my gratitude to our Almighty Father for giving me patience, to my friends, loved ones and to my special someone (uhmmm!) for the support, to AMA Computer College for giving me the opportunity to work inorder for me to earned and paid my everyday expenditure (and credits!).

To PLDT for my connection (of course!) and to myself, for not giving up and for mantaining a good health ...

Well...well...well.. So this would be the start of our journey. Hope I could catch your interest and hope that you will find a time of glancing my everyday venture. This will serve as my journal. I'm open for some comments and messages from you guys!

Thanks ahead and may you have a wonderful day!

Love lots!!!:),

sweetsheng :>