Sunday, March 9, 2008


Rats have been given a bad rap in Western Culture, judging from pejorative terms like "He's a Rat Fink!", or "I don't give a Rat's Ass what you think!"

I just read elsewhere that in China, the rat is a respected intuitive creature, synonymous with courage and an enterprising character. Rats know how to come up with solutions, take care of themselves and others without problems.

Besides being curious and intelligent with a vivid imagination, rats are very lively and need oodles of attention (mental and physical stimulation). (hehehe! I somehow possess it all)

To sum it up, the positive side of the rat personality includes being easy-going (checked), smart (checked), magnetic(checked), quick witted(checked) and well-liked(checked)! On the flip side, rats have also been known to be a tad cool (maybe), calculating (hahaha! my bf knows it!), selfish (no, I disagree!), and protective when they're not in top form (yah, often!).

What motivates Rats? You guessed it -- money and status (I always craved for it). Occupations particularly suitable for people born in the "Year of the Rat" include: spy(im good at it!), psychiatrist(hmmm...), writer(isn't it obvious?), politician(others asked me to be one, but id ont like), laywer(it's my dream to be a lawyer!), engineer(I hate math!), accountant(somehow I thought to be one), detective(i think am good at it!), actor(yah! I agree!) and pathologist(why not?).

"Earth Rats" (those born in 1948 and 2008), are said to be very honorable folk who love to do things around the home and enjoy a stable life. Although a titch stingy with their moolah, they are cheerful with friends although are prone to stress.

How bout you? Are you proud to be Ratatuienians? (hope I spell it right!)

Saturday, March 1, 2008


Hi Guys! It’s past 12 in the morning but still my mind keep thinking of something that I, myself couldn’t figure of. Maybe because I am still in the middle of relating myself to the movie I just saw “ MY BIG LOVE”.

Others may find it corny to watch a Tagalog movie especially that concerns to a love story. Yes, it somehow wrack my nerves with those corny lines and gestures but it made me smile and starting to fantasize what would be the feeling if you’re on the same situation. (Hhhaaaa!)

You know why I always spent money with corny Tagalog movies? Even it throws mostly of corny lines and gestures, it gives me an appreciation, which I sometimes (or always) be short of.

In “MY BIG LOVE”, it made me realize, that it needs also for me to think so much for myself (there’s nothing wrong with that!) not what others should think of me. To love myself even at my worst (in figure! inferiority!), to confer a huge love for others who has the same struggles with me and inspire them to feel good and inform them that there’s no room of worrying anything. Everything has a HOPE!

“ Who doesn’t believe in Karma anyway?” Nobody does. Karma goes around, comes around in certain situations, no one knows when it strikes. Try to think before you act, you can control the situation because you’re the one who makes the decision. That’s one thing I’ve learned in the movie.

Lastly, “ Don’t just love a person by looking at it’s corporeal, but by gazing of how much beauty he has behind the skin-deep.” Don’t just hub your standards on physical assets in loving a person, I tell you; it gives only gladness for a while but not a total happiness. It will feed only your desires but it will not supply contentment. It only gives vitamins to the eyes but not a food that gives life to the heart.

Charmos! Until next ish!