Saturday, August 22, 2009

Here's the remaining batch of selected Pinay Beauties to complete my lists....

6.) Kaye is one of the amazing actress with a remarkable beauty. She might not be that good looking on screen but if you see her in person you might be shocked how beautiful she was.

She has different beauty in person that you even not recognize that she was her. I am not forcing you to believe in me but she posses a beauty that left you talk to yourself "only if I was her...."

Even if she's not a mestiza but she has a flawless skin you truly admire and a beauty that is changeable and noticeably beautiful.

She's Katherine Grace Abad aka. Kaye Abad

7.) If you go for a Filipina beauty with a Mestiza appeal, I bet that Kristine Hermosa will get a lot of audience.... She grace with a strong and attractive features of a mestiza. A beauty that shines through to a magazine covers, billboards and in ramp stages....

She has a beauty that everyone will automatically say "she's indeed beautiful!"...

She's Kristine Orille Hermosa aka. Kristine Hermosa

8.) She's a total charmer. She might not be visible in TV because she's not an actress though seen in various commercial ads, you will always seen her in Fashion magazines, ramp stages and billboards because she is a SUPERMODEL.

Loved by signatures fashion designers here and abroad and even in various company for commercials . Because of her lovely features and beautiful skin she was the Star of the
Modelling industry next to Georgina Wilson....

A true beauty of a Filipina that exudes with so much beauty and sexiness....

She's Nicole Hernandez

9.) I find her beautiful maybe because of her wit, and maybe because she's indeed a beautiful person inside and out that truly seen directly on her face

She's lovely indeed, a morena beauty that capivates man hearts with her being smart, cheerful, talented and a positive outlook.

For me, she is indeed BEAUTIFUL....

That's Monica Pauline Gil aka. Nikki Gil

10.) One person that I truly admire physically is Yasmien Kurdi, I already seen her in person and totally struck by her beauty. She is indeed beautiful in person like Kaye and it was always added whenever she smiles.

No doubt that she is part of the 2007's 80's Most Beautiful Woman.... Maybe they've seen that Filipino's will be much more beautiful if it was been mixed by another Blood.....

Yasmien is an ethnic blend of Filipina, Chinese, French and Lebanese that makes her as the number 19th of the 2007's 80 Most Beautiful Women.

She's Yasmien Yuson Kurdi

There's you have it.... My Personal Pick of 10 Best Pinay Beautiful Faces.....

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