I browse one of my favorite blogs, and it happened that I was stucked with one of the artics posted by TUBBY .
Got the feeling of Jealousy, envy and any synonyms you can think of.... All I can say "She is one such a LUCKY GIRL to have someone like HIS Boyfriend!"
Here's what she wrote:
Sometimes, the English language proves inadequate. Take for example whenever I love you isn’t enough.
He asked his girl friends for a napkin when I suddenly got my period in the middle of school. He waited outside the bathroom and bought me tissue when I had the worst case of diarrhea during one of our dates. He didn’t get jealous when I was forced to have a male lab partner for Chem 16. He tutored me when I was failing miserably in Math 54. He taught me card tricks when I was desperate for a talent for my application process for an org. He gave me a video compilation that took him several days to create for my eighteenth birthday. He took time out of his full schedule just to surprise me with a rose and my favorite Ferrero chocolates on Valentine’s Day.
He offers his laptop and prints my essays when I’m cramming my schoolwork. He burns my data CDs when we have no blank CDs at home. He lets me use our dates as napping time when I’ve been up the whole night doing a project. He splits his favorite snacks and Lindt and Toblerone chocolate with me. He pays for us both when we ride the jeep. He drives me to the MRT when it’s late at night and I’m too scared to ride the UP-Pantranco alone. He fits his schedule around mine. He revised his whole schedule and enlisted in sections where he is OP just so we could see each other everyday. He doesn’t come to his barkada’s lunch-outs just to visit me in UP. He excuses himself from his boys’ Friday nights-out just so I won’t have to wait for my sundo alone.
He stays up late just to listen to my rants, back when mIRC was still the uso chatting program, up to now when Yahoo Messenger is the fad. He wakes up from only 5 hours of sleep just so we can watch a movie together. He records my favorite TV shows when I can’t watch them because I’m stuck in traffic. He holds my hand even in front of his macho, teasing, un-mushy friends. He travels to UP everyday just so we can have lunch together. He visits me every school day, even if it’s just to drive me to the ridiculously far-away NIP building to save me the long trek under the noontime sun. He buys me my favorite KFC Chicken Fillet and cheese Fun Shots with extra gravy and brings it to me when he knows I don’t have time to buy my own lunch. He doesn’t complain when I waste his gas by asking him to drive us to some place and then suddenly changing my mind. He agrees to watch cheesy, jologs love-dovey movies like Now That I Have You with me even though he’d much rather watch something else. He spends hundreds of pesos on tickets to watch Dulaang UP plays just so I won’t have to watch them alone. He always kisses me on the cheek when we part ways, even when we’re among our friends.
He stuck by me even when I was exchanging our dates for tambay hours while I was applying for the org. He stuck by me even when there was the very near danger of my parents banning us from seeing each other again. He stays with me despite my past habit of cheating on boys. He stays with me despite my parents’ strict rules about not getting too serious with a guy. He stays with me despite the fact that we cannot see each other on weekends. He stays with me despite the fact that I live two hours away. Heck, he stays with me despite all of my flaws.
He is my best friend, boy friend, confidant, ideal guy, counselor, tutor, security blanket, trophy prize, person-to-call-in-case-of-emergency, and guardian angel all rolled into one.
I tell him I love him, but somehow it doesn’t fit.
What do you say to someone like that?
Sometimes, I love you just isn’t enough.
If I could find a same GUY like Tubby had... I would glad to keep him for life, and be the one to proposed... haaha...
I hope God will hear my plea... To find such a wonderful man who will love me truly and endlessly, for me to acclaimed like TUBBY.... a one such LUCKY GIRL....
Got the feeling of Jealousy, envy and any synonyms you can think of.... All I can say "She is one such a LUCKY GIRL to have someone like HIS Boyfriend!"
Here's what she wrote:
Sometimes, the English language proves inadequate. Take for example whenever I love you isn’t enough.
He asked his girl friends for a napkin when I suddenly got my period in the middle of school. He waited outside the bathroom and bought me tissue when I had the worst case of diarrhea during one of our dates. He didn’t get jealous when I was forced to have a male lab partner for Chem 16. He tutored me when I was failing miserably in Math 54. He taught me card tricks when I was desperate for a talent for my application process for an org. He gave me a video compilation that took him several days to create for my eighteenth birthday. He took time out of his full schedule just to surprise me with a rose and my favorite Ferrero chocolates on Valentine’s Day.
He offers his laptop and prints my essays when I’m cramming my schoolwork. He burns my data CDs when we have no blank CDs at home. He lets me use our dates as napping time when I’ve been up the whole night doing a project. He splits his favorite snacks and Lindt and Toblerone chocolate with me. He pays for us both when we ride the jeep. He drives me to the MRT when it’s late at night and I’m too scared to ride the UP-Pantranco alone. He fits his schedule around mine. He revised his whole schedule and enlisted in sections where he is OP just so we could see each other everyday. He doesn’t come to his barkada’s lunch-outs just to visit me in UP. He excuses himself from his boys’ Friday nights-out just so I won’t have to wait for my sundo alone.
He stays up late just to listen to my rants, back when mIRC was still the uso chatting program, up to now when Yahoo Messenger is the fad. He wakes up from only 5 hours of sleep just so we can watch a movie together. He records my favorite TV shows when I can’t watch them because I’m stuck in traffic. He holds my hand even in front of his macho, teasing, un-mushy friends. He travels to UP everyday just so we can have lunch together. He visits me every school day, even if it’s just to drive me to the ridiculously far-away NIP building to save me the long trek under the noontime sun. He buys me my favorite KFC Chicken Fillet and cheese Fun Shots with extra gravy and brings it to me when he knows I don’t have time to buy my own lunch. He doesn’t complain when I waste his gas by asking him to drive us to some place and then suddenly changing my mind. He agrees to watch cheesy, jologs love-dovey movies like Now That I Have You with me even though he’d much rather watch something else. He spends hundreds of pesos on tickets to watch Dulaang UP plays just so I won’t have to watch them alone. He always kisses me on the cheek when we part ways, even when we’re among our friends.
He stuck by me even when I was exchanging our dates for tambay hours while I was applying for the org. He stuck by me even when there was the very near danger of my parents banning us from seeing each other again. He stays with me despite my past habit of cheating on boys. He stays with me despite my parents’ strict rules about not getting too serious with a guy. He stays with me despite the fact that we cannot see each other on weekends. He stays with me despite the fact that I live two hours away. Heck, he stays with me despite all of my flaws.
He is my best friend, boy friend, confidant, ideal guy, counselor, tutor, security blanket, trophy prize, person-to-call-in-case-of-emergency, and guardian angel all rolled into one.
I tell him I love him, but somehow it doesn’t fit.
What do you say to someone like that?
Sometimes, I love you just isn’t enough.
If I could find a same GUY like Tubby had... I would glad to keep him for life, and be the one to proposed... haaha...
I hope God will hear my plea... To find such a wonderful man who will love me truly and endlessly, for me to acclaimed like TUBBY.... a one such LUCKY GIRL....
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