Friday, May 20, 2011

A Tribute To My Two Moms

I would like to catch the season in order to pay tribute to all MOMS before May ends… I lucky to have two Mothers ever since, my Grandmom and my TrueMom…

I always have my Grandmom since I was 6 months old, she was I used to be called “MAMA” until I discovered that she was my Grandma when I was five. I tried to live as a daughter to my RealParents after then but it seems so bare without my Grandmom and GrandPop around.

So, I decided to go back on where I used to and finished my primary and secondary education in the province. I just came to the city when I reached and enrolled for my Tertiary, but still I wasn’t live to my RealParents house, I live to my GrandParents Boarding house instead. At least I was near to them, I could reach them easily and so are they.

I know that my RealParents do their part for being such a good parents to me. I do love them, just don’t ask me to compare. I just remember one incident that I was been ask by a relative, who I do love more, my grandparents or my RealParents?
I jammed, weighed, analyzed and then I realized, I loved my RealParents, YES I DO, but it was much too far-flung from what the loved I have for my GrandParents.
Am I misinterpreted here? Well, who never loved the one whom you always look up to? The one who used to know as your parent and already invested too much faith from the time you laid your eyes wide opened?

Whatever it is, it seems that I am too much lucky to have two mothers around and been surrounded with Moomies wherever I went to.

A Grandmom whom I always cherish with, to whom I could turn to whenever I’m in gray, to whom I could run to whenever I am in trouble and to whom I could hold whether I’m into my success or on my failures.

A RealMom who always makes me laugh when I was sad, who always care and who always there when I’m in dire need.

To all Moms that I shared with tears, sweat, words, experiences, problems, fights, insights and being such an inspirations… So thank You!

And Happy Mother’s Season!

Love you!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Trip to Singapore! - Third trip abroad

LAst Feb 27 we had our flight going to Singapore and we reached there around 4am. We stayed at the airport since the train will operate around 6am. We napped, roam around and took some photos..I just posted some shots that was taken from my four days stay there before we flew to Malaysia. We went to Harbour Front, the Famous SENTOSA, Universal Studio, Marina Bay, Vivo City and still constructing the Resort World...

I will tour you around throught the pics I got...Just for now, feast on the pics I posted ... We will start the tour tomorrow, since I need to sleep for I will faced a lot of works tomorrow morning.

Have a nice photo-seeing :

It was inside the Changi Airport....

at Sentosa's Newest Generation Cable Car

outside Marina Bay Center....

Back of me is the esplanade building

at Vivo City

at Sentosa Entrance Area

That's all Folks... See yah tomorrow .. Excited? Just sit back for a wonderful trip tomorrow! Good nyt!

Monday, May 16, 2011


I visited my other blog and I found the poem that I made for my two bestfriends Mark and Eden whose once had a nice relationship dreaming for a lifetime commitment but it turns out shattered and now both facing life separate ways.... forever.

"I will never forget the days we once had
The days when you were everything to me
My mind used to tell me we'd be together forever
But now I realize that was all a big dream
The feelings I have for you will never go
I wish I could take back that one regretful day
The day when I willingly let you slide from my arms
Never did I think of the astonishing pain of regrets
That I would once have to live through
The sight of you in someone else's arms
Makes my heart shatter into a million pieces
I sometimes wonder if you still think of me
Or if to you, I'm just a face in the crowd
I wish so very much that one day we can have it all back

But for now, I'll sit here silently
Remembering all the memories we once shared
Everyday my love grows much stronger
Hoping that one day you will feel the same
And put back the pieces of my broken heart.

They are now facing life with different special persona, the other one already tied up and the other one still searching for love.

They keep on manage the seven years relationship, unfortunately a year long distance relationship keep them apart....

Sunday, May 15, 2011

A Third Promise!

Do I deserve for another GRAND ENTRANCE? It was my third promise to keep a blog running and I just hoped this time with the help of Mummy Gurl I will keep it going...

I had a lot of stories stored in mind that I wanted to share to you all...

Just give me a chance and keep be with me as I write my journey as I was in the other side of the world.

I wouldn't miss it for the world... So don't miss it too...

So here I come... Pen is ready for it's journey and my thoughts are now building up...

Wait for my first ish this year! Mwaahhhhhh