Saturday, February 16, 2008


A message from GOD:

No man can ever claim YOU unless HE claims YOU from ME.

I reserved a MAN for YOU who has MY heart and loves ME even more than He loves YOU.

I wont give YOU unless HE asks YOU from ME.

Soon you’ll know HIM, I have the perfect time.

YOU are my princess, my daughter.

Let no prince claim YOU unless HE asks YOU from my hand.

For, I am your Father, the King of all kings.

And YOU are my Princess, which is worth loving.

A nice message sent to me from my dear friend, Ranielyn Orang who now lives at her hometown at General Santos City. (Thanks Ran…)

Well, the message is for those girls who are still waiting for the right one to come along. Well girl, don’t mourned yet if you think that no one courted you or until now your one of those NBSB (no bf since birth!) heehaw, because there will be someone (maybe his just hiding on the wrong place! hehehe) who is worth the wait.

Just think of it, maybe God is trying to keep himself busy these days to finished another beautiful script that will stunned the world for another beautiful love story ever told. Know who will be played actors and actresses.

It will possibly be YOU and your PRINCE.

Wow!!! Can I play as the other beautiful Princess?

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